A journey, a true meditation tour; from evening to morning, from materialism to simplicity, from the city to the Himalayas. A meditative and mystical journey to rediscover lightness and purity, abandoning the attachment
to material goods. A strong presentation, which aims at expressing the desire to alter the human
mindset and approach to life. From urban to awareness, lightness, purification. The collection is
divided in this way: into three parts, the stages through which the Frankie Morello man must pass
in order to achieve liberty.
The first is an expression of the attachment to material goods, using colours and materials
reminiscent of the city. It represents the city man in his daily life, following the rules of urbanisation,
which the historical context defines and dictates.
The central stage shows the human being beginning to feel the urgency for change; an evolution
which occurs step by step with the start of an internal journey and a newfound awareness of
himself. Here, then, even the colours, stitching and materials start to diversify and take on different
lightness. Lastly, the third and final stage, in which lightness becomes the lifestyle to be pursued
and the abandonment of material things is realised. Spirituality is the star of this story, taking
man almost back to nudity; a symbol of an awareness that has been abandoned for years.
Clothes become a symbol of transformation and mark the transition through the materials,
appliqués and colours, giving a clear image of the metamorphosis, until finally achievinghypothetical self-awareness.The presentation was accompanied by a live performance from Burger Girl, a musical project and alter-ego of Benjamin Dukhan.
to material goods. A strong presentation, which aims at expressing the desire to alter the human
mindset and approach to life. From urban to awareness, lightness, purification. The collection is
divided in this way: into three parts, the stages through which the Frankie Morello man must pass
in order to achieve liberty.
The first is an expression of the attachment to material goods, using colours and materials
reminiscent of the city. It represents the city man in his daily life, following the rules of urbanisation,
which the historical context defines and dictates.
The central stage shows the human being beginning to feel the urgency for change; an evolution
which occurs step by step with the start of an internal journey and a newfound awareness of
himself. Here, then, even the colours, stitching and materials start to diversify and take on different
lightness. Lastly, the third and final stage, in which lightness becomes the lifestyle to be pursued
and the abandonment of material things is realised. Spirituality is the star of this story, taking
man almost back to nudity; a symbol of an awareness that has been abandoned for years.
Clothes become a symbol of transformation and mark the transition through the materials,
appliqués and colours, giving a clear image of the metamorphosis, until finally achievinghypothetical self-awareness.The presentation was accompanied by a live performance from Burger Girl, a musical project and alter-ego of Benjamin Dukhan.
Gercek bir meditasyon yolculugu. Materyalizimden insanligin ozune. Buyuk sehirlerden Himalayalara. Bu yolculuktaki yegane amac maddi kaygilardan cok uzaklarda safligi ve hafifligi yeniden kesfetmek. Sehir yasamindan farkindaliga ve safliga acilan bu seruvende Frankie Morello adaminin gecmesi gereken uc farkli adim var. Ilk bolumde kullanilan materyaller ve renkler gunumuz kentlesmesine birer gonderme. Sunumun orta kisminda insan degismesi gerektiginin farkina variyor ve kendi farkindaligini kesfetmek icin adim adim hedefe ilerliyor. Son sahnede ise maneviyatla beslenen insan ozune geri donuyor. Sunuma Burger Girl grubundan tanidigimiz Benjamin Dukhanin eglenceli performansi eslik ediyor.
Hope u Enjoy!
Umarim hosunuza gitmistir.
I really like to musics of the show, Pls Check it.
Muzikler gercekten cok hosuma gitti, siz de bakin :)
Don't use photos without my permission. / Iznim olmadan fotograflari kullanmayin.