Sex and the City dizisini bilmiyeniniz yoktur herhalde. Tum sezonlarini bitirip, ustune filmlerini de izleyen herkes gibi ben de yeni filmi beklerken, Carrienin genclik caglarina donecegimiz aklimin ucuna gelmezdi.
I think everybody knows Sex and the City. We watched all tv episodes, then all movies. While we were waiting a new season or film, we were not expecting Carrie Bradshaw as 16 year old teenage girl.
I think everybody knows Sex and the City. We watched all tv episodes, then all movies. While we were waiting a new season or film, we were not expecting Carrie Bradshaw as 16 year old teenage girl.
Carrie 16 yasinda.
Sezonun 3.bolumu yolda...
The Carrie Diaries 3.episode is coming..